
Save around 50+% on your menu printing.

Printing a menu is an expensive part. Reprinting on price changes or small modifications can make your expense go even higher. Switch to Digital Menu reduce your expense.

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Avoid despair.

Don’t let the unavailable items show up on menu. Never be embarrassed by saying - This item is not available. Never disappoint your guests anyore!

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Digital menu for eveyone! Instantly!!

Not enough menus!! This will be part of your history. A digital menu can be loaded on each and everyone’s phone. Now no one needs to wait for it.

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No New Hardware

Hop on with us, you won’t need any extra hardware for using our system.

Best In Class Pricing

We kept our pricing as low as possible, to make technology an enabler, not a burden.

Zero Maintenance

Its SaaS! You don’t manage & maintain it, we do. We kept it 99.99% available till now.

Higher Satisfaction

Built to add value, to you and to your customers. They happy -> You Happy!

Sito Platform

Sito is our cloud-based SaaS platform for hospitality and FnB domain which makes it easy for you to redefine your customer experience and provide real-time and relevant information to make your business more efficient. We help you reduce your capex and opex by bringing quality software into your organization faster than ever before, so you can focus on what really matters: make your customer feel good and server them best food.

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Sito Products

Digital Menu
  • Full-fledged Digital Catalogue

Digital Menu

Not just any digital menu! Not a PDF shared publically!! A real digital catalouge system to cover all your needs. Give your customers more than just a digital menu.

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Scan Pay Order (SPO)
  • Prepaid Self Ordering System

Scan Pay Order (SPO)

Let your customers order from their phone and get realtime update about their orders. Utilize the saved effort and time in giving better service or grow your business. Try our SPO system today!

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