
An influencers like you, can uniquely contribute in our growth while get benefitted, by partnering with us. Let’s grow togther!

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Monetize your influence

You can put your influence at work to help us grow.

So you are food and beverages influencer! May be you are on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reditt, LinkedIn or any other social media platform. This power of influence can be harnessed to add more businesses on our platform and in turn, we will ensure that you and your followers are compensated well. Read further to know in how manyways you can put your influence at work. But first, get yourself registered as an Influencer !

Register As Influencer

Direct Influence

If you have enough influence on restaurants, hotels, pubs or bars, then you can influence them to use our Digital Menu service. You can help them getting the service at lower price than regular. Just ensure that they use your influencer id.

  • Register as influencer & get your referral code
  • Create influencing post & tag us the post
  • Influence to visit our site and buy the service
  • Influencees, if use your influencer code, get 20% discount
  • ..and you earn 30% of the sale value

Indirect Influence

This way you can generate passive income for yourself. You can encourage the sales personals in your influence sphere to become partner. All they need to do is to use your influencer id while registering themselves as sales partners.

  • Register as influencer and get your influencer code
  • Create influencing post & tag us the post
  • Influence to register as sales partners
  • Influencees must use your influencer code during registration
  • On every sales made by them, your earn ₹ 100